Yesterday I visited your blog and liked it very much! I have found a lot of really interesting and useful information there! The time I have spent reading was wonderful and I may say that you’ve done a great job! There are also wonderful photos! I’ve immediately added your blog to my favorite links and will enter it any time when in need of something positive. Thanks a lot!
Claudio Ceccarelli nato a Jesi nel 1956.
Fotografo per amore dell'arte fotografica, pratica questa passione dall'inizio degli anni 80 nel corso dei quali ha presentato alcune sue mostre fotografiche personali
tra cui:
"Trasfigurazione" 1994 "Jesi citta bella da scoprire I edizione" 1997 "Divenire" 1998 "Jesi citta bella da scoprire II edizione" 2000 "Metamorfosi cosmica" 2002 "Jesi citta bella da scoprire III edizione" 2002 "Forme fluide" 2002 "Inganni di luce" 2012
1 commento:
Yesterday I visited your blog and liked it very much! I have found a lot of really interesting and useful information there! The time I have spent reading was wonderful and I may say that you’ve done a great job! There are also wonderful photos! I’ve immediately added your blog to my favorite links and will enter it any time when in need of something positive. Thanks a lot!
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